Resources For Comic Book Creators

A Quick Guide To The Best Brush Pens For Inking Comics

Finding the best brush pens for inking comics is really about trial and error Drawing doesn t require the greatest

Experimenting With Your Art And Still Maintaining Consistency In Comics

Comic book artists struggle with a strange paradox A crazy struggle that occurs just by being an artist and wanting

How to start and hold a successful collaboration in comics

RESOURCES MATTHEW CHILDERS ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR WRITER Working in comics almost demands collaboration with other people It s just a fact

Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Comic Book Creator

RESOURCES MATTHEW CHILDERS ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR WRITER You probably have Imposter Syndrome Do you feel like you are faking it in

Get Better and Faster at Drawing Comics With 11 Handy Tips

RESOURCES MATTHEW CHILDERS ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR WRITER Comic book artists have one of the the hardest jobs in the creative field

Build an Audience of Comic Book Fans Faster with Far Less Struggle.

RESOURCES MATTHEW CHILDERS ARTIST ILLUSTRATOR WRITER Struggling to find people willing to read your comics is one of the most

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