Hermione Granger Time Lapse

https://youtu.be/ULUJAcnaF3Q This is the second in a series of Harry Potter themed illustrations that I did recently. I wanted to do a three piece series featuring Harry, Hermoine and Ron – the main characters from the Harry Potter series of books. Hermoine proved especially fun for me as I think it ended up my favorite […]

Cthulhu Is Hard To Spell – Lady Bayoleth

I could find something amazing about all the stories from the CthulhuIsHardToSpell.com anthology. Every story has something amazing. One of my favorite stories was AZATOTH’S SLUMBER written by Russell Nohelty, with art by Erik Lervold and colors by Claire Donaghue and Eric Lervold. Visually the character designs were amazing and I was immediately drawn to […]

Time Lapse Night Nurse Inking Video

https://youtu.be/thqnPHZVRBU This is a fun little time lapse of me inking a Night Nurse sketch. I’m trying to do more sketches lately as it keeps me fresh and loose. This one was a bit more in depth for a sketch than I normally do, but I had a fun idea that I just wanted to […]

Inking Comics

https://youtu.be/o8tc1kzE_ms I don’t like to hear my own voice. But I knew I needed to at least share some of my inking tips with people who are gracious enough to follow and enjoy my work. I know there are a few like-minded creators out there who’ve asked me about my inking techniques and some of […]

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